Now that I am sitting on a brown carpet lied beside my bed, drinking a cup of coffee. I’m letting my thoughts flew to last Saturday’s adventurous shopping. Novy Chalimi, a friend of mine whom I haven’t met for about 4 years, finally launched her clothing line called Callista Room. The big moment of her first fashion business started last week on Bedah Kampus Universitas Indonesia (an event to introduce the campus life to high school students). She held a garage sale on Oct 6-7 2012 at Balairung University of Indonesia, from 9 am to 5 pm.
So I dropped by to her booth. Being stunned by lots of dresses displayed there, I even forgot to ask the story behind her clothing line name. I couldn’t stop see every inch of her booth. Flowery dresses hung in a wooden hanger rack. Skirts, blazers, and tops were in two big plastic containers. Bags and accessories decorated the front table, welcoming more costumers to come. There was a black old suitcase left wide opened on the table, filled with fashion magazines. It was a simple and playful booth that showed me the beauty of vintage dresses.
I looked some dresses that have been caught my eyes as I walked into the booth. I picked a black dress with tiny strawberries scattered all over this cotton cloth. It didn’t cost me a fortune. I only spent less than IDR 150k to grab this enchanting dress! To my surprise, this “strawberry field” dress fits my body. I love its cutting. I love its oldie but goodie design.
Novy told me that the dress I bought was her first design being sold at the moment. She was happy knowing that I loved the dress so much. Guess she should know that my boyfriend also loves it.
Grandma’s Story
A woman came in, looked some stuffs and decided to buy some tops and a skirt. “Thank you,” Novy said to her costumer, holding more rupiahs in her hands. Her eyes were glittering.
“So tell me the story!” I asked her. She smiled widely and then brought me to her childhood memory. It was her grandma who used to always design and sew dresses for her. As she grew up, she loved buying fabrics. Until she figured out that her collection filled up her closet. At that moment, she only stared her collection and did nothing with them.
Until that day came.
She met Clara Devi, an Indonesian fashion blogger. Clara was the one who encouraged my friend to start a fashion business. At first, Novy didn’t know what to do. Reminded by her childhood with her Grandma, Novy then started up her clothing line providing vintage dresses.
I listened closely to every single word she said. Novy never lost her enthusiasm while telling me her Callista Room’s history. It was an inspiring afternoon surrounded by colorful dresses.
I believe that for most of women who came in, Callista Room was a trap that seemingly pushed you to buy this and that. My old friend’s booth never lost its crowd – this was what I saw for almost one and half hour observing. This might be the reason why Novy’s eyes never stopped glittering in spite of the exhaustion she kept inside.
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