[Book review] The First Phone Call from Heaven by Mitch Albom
My impression and mini review of The First Phone Call from Heaven by Mitch Albom.
My impression and mini review of The First Phone Call from Heaven by Mitch Albom.
We love the hearts on screen. We love being loved, no matter how superficial it is.
Driven by the spirit of sharing along with their passion in graphic design, Ekky and Kenneth set up a community for graphic designers. Here’s their story!
I interviewed 3 young women and 1 young male who plan to get married by 30 years old. Find out more about their perspectives here!
Isn’t it funny that no matter how much you hurt, how often it cuts you like a knife, and how much tears rolling down your face, you still manage to survive—and you made it!
Nikmat betul bernostalgia, bikin lupa usia. Mungkin itu sebabnya orang tua lebih suka duduk di teras rumah. Diam. Pikirannya melayang ke masa-masa kejayaan.
Adalah antologi cerita pendek berisi tujuh kisah cinta yang muram. Muram sebab ia adalah gambaran bahwa cinta yang kuat saja tidaklah cukup untuk menjadi bahagia. Muram sebab isinya tak jauh-jauh dari cinta yang kandas. Beberapa kisah begitu akrab bagi saya meski tak mudah ditebak siapa empunya cerita.
Here are four things I learn as I rebuild my blog. One of them: your writing style stays with you no matter how time flies.