Tag Archives : Relationships

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On An Almost-Relationship

After years went by, I finally had that day when you knocked the door and opened up my heart, tearing down my arrogance.  You undressed my soul. I was naked as the walls I had built around me destroyed in a minute you came in. With all you imperfections and dark sides, you came to my rescue, making me believe…

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I Am Dating Your Mind

I’m dating your mind, for it is the only place I can see the beauty of a man and the true color of life.   P.S: Originally handwritten on August 12th, 2014 at MMC Hospital Jakarta, Room 503.

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Tiga Jejak Di Jejakubikel.com

Akhirnya, 3 cerita pendek (benar-benar pendek, hanya 111 kata!) saya dimuat di jejakubikel.com. Komentar yang saya dapat rata-rata positif. Tapi proses belajar tidak berhenti 🙂 Silakan klik link yang tersedia untuk melihat cerpen di web tersebut, lengkap dengan komentarnya.   AKU TAHU (juga dapat dibaca di sini) Aku tahu arti namamu. Aku tahu siapa wanita yang ada dalam mimpi basahmu…

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